End Human
Ignite Hope.

Two women

Clients served:

in 2024


in 2023

Today there are an estimated 50 million victims of human trafficking globally.

We are on a mission to see people set free & restored. Will you join us?

Human trafficking occurs any time a person is forced, tricked, or manipulated into providing labor or sexual service for someone else’s financial gain. Or, anytime a child is involved in a commercial sex act, whether or not there is someone directly forcing them to do so.

Unbound Now is fighting back!

Unbound Now supports survivors and resources communities to fight human trafficking in the United States and around the world.

We envision a future where every community is free from human trafficking and believe through collaboration with partners from every sector this is possible.

As followers of Jesus, we work as an expression of our Micah 6:8 call to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.” 

How we do it

Youth Prevention

We empower youth through prevention education in schools, juvenile detention centers, and local service providers. We offer early intervention services for youth at risk of trafficking.

Survivor Services

We provide 24/7 crisis response and ongoing case management and support for survivors of human trafficking through our advocacy program. Our Underground drop-in center and The Reagan home provide specialized services for trafficked and exploited youth.

Outreach and Training

We lead local coalitions and task forces to promote community outreach and equip professionals to identify and respond to victims of human trafficking.

Local focus. Global impact.

We serve 11 service region around the world — your gift has the power to transform, bring hope to these communities and the survivors we serve.

The National Human Trafficking Hotline is available 24/7 and is confidential and multilingual:

or text “help” to BEFREE (233733)

Do you need help?

  • You are not free to come or go

  • Someone is withholding your documentation (ID, visa, passport) or money from you

  • You were recruited to your work through false promises

  • You are being threatened or abused in your job

  • You work excessively long hours with no breaks

  • You are made to live in your working establishment

  • You are unpaid or paid very little

  • You are working in the commercial sex industry and are under the age of 18 or have a manager/pimp

  • You are being forced, threatened, or manipulated to provide sexual acts

Your generosity ignites hope

Your donation to Unbound Now will help stop human trafficking, protect the vulnerable, and bring freedom to the exploited.

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